10000, 10,000, Ten Thousand

Rules and Free Score Sheets for the Dice Game 10,000

What is 10000

The 10,000 dice game is one of the more popular games worldwide – most likely because Ten Thousand is so easy to learn that kids can enjoy playing it, yet allows for enough strategy that adults enjoy the challenge.  Like a lot of dice games, 10,000 is known by other names and you might have seen it or played it as Zilch, Boxcar, 6-Dice, Ten Grand, or Bogus. 

10,000 is very similar to the dice game Farkle (or Farkel) with different scoring combinations. 

The only real supplies you need are six dice, a pen or pencil, and some paper to keep score on.   To make things easier, we have FREE printable scoresheets.  You’ll find the links to the Ten Thousand score cards further down.

The object of the Ten Thousand dice game is simple and the name is a big hint.  The dice are rolled, points are scored, and the first player to reach 10,000 points in the winner.

Playing the 10,000 Dice Game

Everyone playing 10,000 rolls one die and the highest roll goes first.

The first 10,000 player then rolls all six of their dice, and has to set aside one (or more) scoring combo(s).

10000 Dice Game Scoring

Three 1’s equal 1,000 points.  For each additional 1, double the score — up to 8000.

1-1-1 = 1000     1-1-1-1 = 2000     1-1-1-1-1 = 4000     1-1-1-1-1-1 = 8000

Three 2’s equal 200 points.  For each additional 2, double the score — up to 1600.

2-2-2 = 200     2-2-2-2 = 400     2-2-2-2-2 = 800     2-2-2-2-2-2 = 1600

Three 3’s equal 300 points.  For each additional 3 double the score — up to 2400.

3-3-3 = 300     3-3-3-3 = 600     3-3-3-3-3 = 1200     3-3-3-3-3-3 = 2400

Three 4’s equal 400 points.  For each additional 4 double the score — up to 3200.

4-4-4 = 400     4-4-4-4 = 800     4-4-4-4-4 = 1600     4-4-4-4-4-4 = 3200

Three 5’s equal 500 points.  For each additional 5 double the score — up to 4000.

5-5-5 = 500     5-5-5-5 = 1000     5-5-5-5-5 = 2000     5-5-5-5-5-5 = 4000

Three 6’s equal 600 points.  For each additional 6 double the score — up to 4800.

6-6-6 = 600     6-6-6-6 = 1200     6-6-6-6-6 = 2400     6-6-6-6-6-6 = 4800

Single 1’s equal 100 points each.

Single 5’s equal 50 points each.

Single 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and 6’s are not worth any points.

Three pairs of any numbers on a single roll equal 1500 points.

Straights (1-2-3-4-5-6) on a single roll equal 1500 points.

While playing 10,000, each player can re-throw their remaining dice as many times as they want, as long as they’re putting aside at least one scoring combo (or single scoring die) on each roll.

When all six dice have been set aside for scoring, the points are added up and the player now has two choices — they can continue rolling and try to get more points or keep the points they’ve already accumulated and pass the dice to the next player. As before, every roll has to have at least one scoring combo or single scoring die set aside to continue rolling.

Ending Turns

In 10,000, a player’s turn ends in one of two ways — when they choose to stop rolling the dice and add that turn’s points to their total score, or if their roll the remaining dice or die and don’t end up with a scoring combo or die (this is called a zilch).  In the event of a zilch, the turn ends immediately, and the player is not allowed to add that turn’s points to their total.

Winning the 10,000 Dice Game

As the name implies, the first player to reach Ten Thousand points is the winner.

Free Printable 10,000 Dice Game Score Sheets

We’ll have them here soon!